Finále PALMA 09F 8. May 2011 [41 pictures shown 4799 times]Krajské kolo Zenit 2010 2. December 2010 [7 pictures shown 1011 times]
Turing 2010 24. November 2010 [6 pictures shown 855 times]
CTU Open 2010 23. October 2010 [18 pictures shown 2307 times]
Kognice a umělý život X - Ostravice 2010 3. June 2010 [44 pictures shown 1133 times]
ŠVK 2010 - Programátorská súťaž 22. April 2010 [7 pictures shown 748 times]
Finále PALMA 08F 13. April 2010 [34 pictures shown 1855 times]
Deň otvorených dverí PF UPJŠ 2010 16. February 2010 [12 pictures shown 823 times]
Krajské kolo Zenit 2009 3. December 2009 [9 pictures shown 933 times]
Turing 2009 19. November 2009 [13 pictures shown 1618 times]
Deň otvorených dverí PF UPJŠ 2009 6. November 2009 [14 pictures shown 1367 times]
Letná škola sieťovania - Danišovce 2009 23. August 2009
Finále PALMA LETO 2009 29. April 2009 [44 pictures shown 3167 times]
Letná škola sieťovania - Danišovce 2008 10. July 2008 [49 pictures shown 2184 times]
Finále PALMA LETO 2008 8. June 2008 [62 pictures shown 1548 times]
ŠVK 2008 - Programátorská súťaž 24. April 2008 [10 pictures shown 414 times]
Bez(a)Dis - Samuel Kupka - Šifrovanie pevného disku, Truecrypt 24. April 2008
Bez(a)Dis - Samuel Kupka - Internet Anonymity 12. December 2007
Bez(a)Dis - Gerard Tel - Elgamal Demonstration Project 22. November 2007 [16 pictures shown 314 times]
Letná škola sieťovania - Danišovce 2007 8. July 2007 [394 pictures shown 3954 times]
Finále IT Liga 2007 13. June 2007 [99 pictures shown 4930 times]
IPSC 2007 11. May 2007 [7 pictures shown 301 times]
ŠVK 2007 - Programátorská súťaž 1. May 2007 [4 pictures shown 226 times]
Finále PALMA ZIMA 2006 11. February 2007 [112 pictures shown 5475 times]
ACM 2006, Budapest, Hungary 20. November 2006 [70 pictures shown 2137 times]
Podpisovanie sa na chodník - Mgr. 31. May 2006 [19 pictures shown 2291 times]
Finále PALMA ZIMA 2005 1. February 2006 [112 pictures shown 9390 times]
CESCG a SCCG 2005 v Budmericiach 15. May 2005 [69 pictures shown 4967 times]
ACM 2004, Budapest, Hungary 22. November 2004 [48 pictures shown 3510 times]
Konferencia iEARN 2004 17. July 2004 [56 pictures shown 4379 times]
IPSC 2004 21. May 2004 [3 pictures shown 266 times]
Semestralna prezentacia projektov 17. January 2004 [28 pictures shown 2585 times]
ACM 2003, Warsaw, Poland 14. November 2003 [81 pictures shown 7313 times]
ACM 2002, Warsaw, Poland 24. November 2002 [27 pictures shown 2156 times]
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Photos that are somehow connected to Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.